Charlie Bird
9 September 1949 – 11 March 2024 rip

Charlie Bird was a journalist for RTE, working on some of the biggest stories in Ireland and internationally during his 40-year career with the national broadcaster. Charlie was diagnosed with motor neurone disease (MND) in October 2021 and spent several years raising awareness of the condition before his death in March 2024.

It is with heavy hearts that we, at the Elephant In The Room Movement (EITRM), pay tribute to the late Charlie Bird, whose passing has left an indelible mark on our hearts and our cause. Charlie was not just a national treasure for his journalistic excellence, but also a beacon of hope and support for mental health advocacy, embodying the spirit and mission of EITRM with unparalleled passion.

Charlie's journey with us was marked by his boundless courage and an unwavering commitment to shed light on the often-silenced conversations surrounding mental health. His openness about his own battles, especially during his courageous fight with Motor Neurone Disease (MND), inspired countless individuals to reach out, speak up, and support one another in times of need.

One of Charlie's most significant contributions to EITRM was his involvement with the "Tribute To Charlie Bird and Tiger" elephant, a masterpiece painted with the artistry of Niall O'Loughlin and graced with the signature of President Michael D. Higgins. This elephant stands as a powerful symbol of Charlie's fight, his support for mental health awareness, and his deep connection with his beloved dog, Tiger.

Through this piece, and many of his actions, Charlie showed us the profound impact of extending a hand of friendship and solidarity in the face of adversity. He personified the very essence of the Elephant In The Room Movement, pushing forward the narrative that it's okay to not be okay and that together, we can face our toughest battles.

As we mourn the loss of such a remarkable individual, we also celebrate the enduring legacy that Charlie Bird leaves behind. His contributions to EITRM and the broader mental health movement have sparked conversations, built communities, and opened hearts. Charlie taught us the power of vulnerability, the strength in unity, and the importance of compassion.

In his memory, we pledge to continue the vital work of destigmatizing mental health, promoting open conversations, and supporting each other, just as Charlie did throughout his life. His spirit will forever guide us in our mission to make mental health a priority, not just in the workplace but in every aspect of life.

Charlie Bird, your bravery, your empathy, and your indomitable spirit will never be forgotten. Rest in peace, our dear friend. Your legacy will continue to inspire and guide the Elephant In The Room Movement for years to come.